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85 Speeches found

Michael O'Flaherty
FRA's Director explained how human rights protection and stronger security go hand-in-hand during an exchange of views with members of the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Terrorism at their meeting on 8 January in Brussels. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Michael O'Flaherty
Freedom of expression enables many other fundamental rights but there exists challenges to upholding this right. At a time when support for promoting and protecting of human rights appears to be weakening in some parts of Europe, FRA's Director delivered a speech at a conference on 'Freedom of Expression in the Contemporary World' hosted by the Polish Council of Attorneys at Law in Warsaw on 1 December. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Michael O’Flaherty
Beyond unacceptable patterns of failure to deliver effective human rights protection we must acknowledge an underlying malaise – this is the increasing willingness of some who hold power to repudiate the very human rights values and systems themselves. This phenomenon is relatively new and it is a matter of extreme concern, given the way in which it can corrode the system and weaken it. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Michael O’Flaherty
There remain big gaps in the protection of human rights across the EU and its member states. FRA’s 2017 Fundamental Rights Report analyses these gaps in selected critical areas and takes note of the efforts made to address them. ** CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY **
Frauke Lisa Seidensticker
A comprehensive human rights policy has to have evidence from the ground. We need solid data, and we need regular reporting on fundamental rights developments across all 28 EU member states. And it is precisely this data collection and comparison that form the basis of the Fundamental Rights Report we are presenting here today, and which will form the backdrop to our discussions.